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How do you cook the perfect steak?

The perfect steak does mean different things to different people, but the key principals are always the same.  Below are some chefs tips and hints on cooking your steak.

The cut of steak is up to you and your budget.  Different types of steaks are:
Fillet, Sirloin, Rib eye, Onglet, Flat iron, Rump steak, Tomahawk, T bone, Flank steak.

How to cook your steak

Pat the steak dry with kitchen towel, season with salt and pepper in advance around 10 minutes before cooking.

We would recommend to use sunflower oil, vegetable oil or ground nut oil for cooking the steak as these oils can heat to a high temperature allowing you to sear your steak nicely.

An example of cooking times for a 6 oz fillet steak:

Blue – 1 ½ mins each side 54c – internal temperatures

Rare – 2 mins each side 56c

Medium rare – 3 mins each side 62c

Medium – 4 mins each side 71c

Well done – 5 mins each side 74c

Top Chef tips for cooking a better steak

Other information relating to steaks



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