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Pork Tenderloin Stuffed with Black Pudding and Apple

Stuffed Pork

A great dish to use in order to show off your cooking skills for some demanding dinner guests. It is a simply dish but the result is just stunning. Easy to carve and portion up and use as a centre piece on the plate, serve with vegetables and a rich gravy. Don’t be put off by the black pudding it goes brilliantly with this dish, your friends will be surprised with the subtle flavour and will be asking for the recipe.

Preparation time: 13 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Serves: 4


• 1 Pork Tenderloin
• 2 Slices of Black Pudding
• 1/2 Apple diced
• 1 tsp Dijon mustard
• 2 tsp fennel seeds
• 1 sprig of Rosemary
• 1 sprig Thyme
• 1 clove of garlic
• Generous pinch of sea salt
• 5 slices of prosciutto ham or streaky Bacon


1. Prepare pork tenderloin by removing any sinew. Slice length ways but only ¾ of the way through the meat. Open the meat and fold open so it is flat on board
2. Using a food processor blend the Fennel seed, Rosemary, Thyme, sea salt and garlic until fine. Remove and put aside but leave a little in processor
3. Add the black pudding and apple in processor and blend together
4. Lay a piece of cling film 30cm long with another over lapping. Place the prosciutto ham on the cling film and make sure they slices slightly over lap. Do this to the length of the Tenderloin
5. Take your black pudding mix and spread over the centre of the Tenderloin and then fold over to form a full piece again
6. Place the Tenderloin with the crack on the bottom on to the prosciutto ham. Take the remainder of the fennel mix and the dijon and rub the top of the meat.
7. Lift the cling film and roll the ham around the pork, pulling the cling film back as it wraps the ham around. The knack is to get the meat nice and tight.
8. Nearly done now, wrap cling film around Pork and twist end until tight. If you roll the meat like a rolling pin you will be able to get it nice and tight. Place in the fridge to chill until ready to cook
9. Warm oven to 200c. Remove the cling film and place meat on trivet, place in oven but after 10 minutes reduce heat to 180 and then cook for a further 20 mins. Make sure the meat is fully cooked through before serving. If probed the temperature of 68/72oc will be show it is cooked

Serve on creamy mash or with roasted potatoes and vegetables and a rich gravy

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